Omija Tea (Berry Tea) Recipe And Its Amazing Benefits

Omija tea, made from omija berries, boasts a unique blend of five flavors: sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty. This Korean beverage is praised for its health benefits, including improved liver function, stroke prevention, and enhanced immunity. The article provides a recipe and highlights its refreshing qualities, making it an excellent choice for a healthy drink.

omija tea in white color bowl.

Do you know what omija tea is that we are going to talk about today? So, omija tea is made with omija berries, which are tiny little bright & lovely red berries that are full of five different flavors. Yes! Isn’t this amazing? The five flavors are sweetness, sourness, pungentness, saltiness, and bitterness.

If you take a bite of these fresh berries, you will find it to be a burst of flavors in your mouth. However, in Korea, they like to use dried berries and make refreshing tea out of them.

Omija berries are commonly utilized to make tea, alcoholic drinks, or fruit punch. Anyways, I think you should also try out these magical berries! Trust me; it will surely become your go-to-drink.

The first time I got introduced to them, I was a little surprised and wanted to try them out! And when I tasted Omija tea, I Was taken aback! I literally made faces for the first time, but then I got used to it. And now, it tastes so good to me.

So, I wanted to share this recipe with you all! If you are looking for a healthy, guilt-free beverage, then “Omija Tea” is your one-stop destination.

How to Make Omija Tea

omija tea in white color bowl.

Omija Tea (Berry Tea) Recipe

Simantini Singh Deo
Omija tea is a Korean drink infused with omija berries, which are full of different flavors.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Beverages
Cuisine korean
Servings 6 people


  • Jar
  • Cups


  • ½ Cup Dried Omija Berries 30 grams
  • 1 Liters Of Water Normal
  • Honey or Sugar To Taste Optional
  • Few Ice Cubes


  • The first step is to rinse the dried omija berries properly. If you see any debris or stems, pick and remove them.
  • After that, take a jar and pour the water into the jar.
  • Add the washed omija berries to the jar.
  • Now, refrigerate the jar for a minimum of 12 hours, allowing it to be steep. (24 hours would be much better)
  • After this process is completed, take the jar out and put the omija tea into a cup. Add a few ice cubes as well.
  • If you like, you can add a few spoons of sugar or honey, according to your taste.
  • Serve your iced omija tea immediately.


  • It is not recommended to brew the dried omija berries in boiled or hot water because it brings out too much sourness & bitterness. It is better if you brew the omija berries in cold water. 
  • Also, if you want, you can add a few pieces of pears, oranges, or grapes to the omija tea before serving it for a fruity flavor. 
  • If you want to give it an extra punch of tanginess, then you can add a few drops of lemon into the omija tea.
  • You can also add a few crushed mint leaves to the cup before pouring the tea. It would give it a refreshing aroma of mints.
  • If you love the flavor of cinnamon, then you can add a little bit of cinnamon powder to the tea. 
Keyword omija tea

Health Benefits

Omija Berries, also known as Schisandra Berries, are quite popular for their medicinal value. Omija berries are also used in oriental medicine.

These dark red omija berries are full of antioxidants and help in removing free radicals and many other toxins present in your body that can be harmful to the cellular level.

Here are some of the health benefits:

Helps In Preventing Strokes

Omija tea helps in reducing blood pressure and improves blood flow as well. It also protects the brain and nerve cells. Omija tends to lock the neuro-toxins that cause brain disorders like Alzheimer’s. It safeguards brain cells from active oxygen, which is not good for the body.

Effective In Protecting The Liver

Omija tea is quite effective in protecting the liver. Having an unhealthy liver can lead to so many disorders, but omija tea really helps in keeping it healthy.

Helps In Repairing The Uterus

Omija tea is a good home remedy that helps to repair the uterus at the time of delivery, and it also boosts menstrual functions.

The presence of Gomisin A and Schizandrin in omija tea, helps in preventing ulcers from stress and blocks the generation of peptic acid.

Reduces Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of omija tea help in reducing inflammation in the body and protects against chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.

Boosts Your Immune System

Omija tea contains essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, C, and potassium, which are truly essential for making your immune system strong.

Relieves Respiratory Disorders

Omija tea helps in improving respiratory health as it reduces inflammation, clears mucus, and fights against several infections.

Promotes Weight Loss

Omija tea contains phytochemicals that promote fat metabolism and helps in reducing body weight. It is also beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels and reducing cravings.

Promotes Healthy Skin

The antioxidants present in omija tea help in repairing damaged skin cells and promoting healthy skin. It is beneficial in reducing the signs of aging and improves skin elasticity.


Omija tea is an amazing recipe for the summer. It is refreshing and gives a soothing effect on your mind and body. You can have omija tea even after your dinner as it will help you to be in a relaxed state. Do try this recipe and let us know in the comment section!


What Is The Flavor Of Omija Tea?

In Korean, it means “five-flavor tea,” and these berries have five flavors such as sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness & pungentness. You know, because of all these flavors it becomes difficult for some people to appreciate it.

Does Omija Tea Have Caffeine?

Omija tea is naturally caffeine free, and you can enjoy this drink any time of the day.

Is Omija Tea Sweet?

Interestingly, it’s not just sweet. It is sour, bitter, pungent, salty, and sweet as well.

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